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How to check sukanya samriddhi account balance in post office, open sukanya samriddhi account in post office, check sukanya samriddhi account details online, SSA online payment in post office, sukanya samriddhi yojana.
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is started by the Government of India to support the welfare and education of the girl child. This scheme was introduced in 2016, which gives an interest rate of 7.6%.
You can open an sukanya samriddhi account on the behalf of a girl child, age must be under 10 years.
To open an SSA account, the minimum deposit amount is Rs. 250 and you can deposit a maximum amount of 1.5 lakh in a financial year.
Under this sukanya samriddhi scheme, maturity period is 21 year and you can deposit amount in the first 14 years.
Open Sukanya Samriddhi Account in Post Office
Opening a Sukanya samriddhi account is a very easy process, all you need to do shows required documents with identity proof and your account will be opened by the official in no time.
To open sukanya samriddhi account in post office, you need to follow below steps.
1: First download application form from the official government portal or Download application form via these link.
2: Fill the required details in application form.
3: Attached all documents like Photograph of girl child and guardian together, Address proof, Aadhaar card and girl child’s birth cirtificate
4: Submit application form along with all the documents at the post office. Official will open your account as per Sukanya samriddhi scheme.
How to Check Sukanya Samriddhi Account Balance in Post Office
Via post office internet banking you can check sukanya samriddhi account details online. We have published a post regarding how to activate post office internet banking service.
Post office internet banking provides many services online like a loan on RD, PPF account, etc. Let’s see how you check SSA balance in the post office.
Step 1: First visit post office ebanking official website via this link:
Step 2: Here, you need to login to DoP ebanking portal via your User ID.

For this, you must have activated post office internet banking service.
Step 3: After logging in portal, a dashboard will open in front of you. Now you need to click on ‘Account’ menu option as showing in the below image.

Step 4: Then, click on ‘SSA Account’ option at left side menu.

After this, ‘My SSA Account’ page will be displayed on the screen. Here your sukanya samriddhi account details are showing like account number, account balance etc.
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Sukanya Samriddhi Online Payment in Post Office
You can do online payment to ssa post office account through internet banking.
1) Open ebanking India post office portal and logged in via your user ID.
2) Now click on ‘Transactions’ menu option. At the left side menu click on ‘SSA Contribution’ link.
Here you you do direct deposit in your SSA from your PO account.
3) To initiate SSA funding, choose account details, financial year and your Post office account from the drop down list.

4) Fill the amount to pay and transaction remark, click to continue.
After the confirmation details, enter your transaction password and submit it. That’s it.