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By having Fertilizer Seed & Pesticides License, you can start your own business in your local area. Using this license, open a selling shop and earn a good amount.

Now you don’t have to worry much to get a license for a fertilizer seed and pesticides shop. Because now you can apply online to get a fertilizer seed license.
In just 28 to 30 days your license is ready. We bring all information regarding the application of fertilizer seed & pesticides license, what are documents required, license fee, validity, etc.
Education Qualification for Fertilizer Licence:
To sell fertilizers and pesticides need a graduation degree with a chemistry subject.
If you have done B.Sc in Agriculture, you can still apply for the license.
Note: If you want to open a shop selling seeds only then you don’t need any kind of degree.
License Validity:
The Agriculture Department issues the license of fertilizers and seeds for 3 years.
At the same time, the Agriculture Department issues the license of pesticides for only 2 years. When your license expires, you can renew it.
Fertilizer Seed & Pesticides License Documents Require:
If you want to apply for a license for fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides, then you have to gather some documents, such as:
Personal Documents:
- Passport Size Photo
- Aadhar Card
- Pan Card
- Bio Data
- Bachelor’s Degree
Official Documents:
- Shop or Godown Official Map
- Bank Account Details
- Principal Certificate
- No Objection Certificate (get this from local panchayat)
- O Form
License fee:
If you want to get a fertilizer license, so you have to deposit 1250 rupees in the office of the Agriculture Department through bank challan.
If you need a fertilizer license online, then need to pay Rs 1250 online.
For only selling seed License need to pay Rs. 1000 license fee.
On the other hand, if we talk about pesticides license. You have to deposit 1500 rupees for this. Pesticides license is issued for only 2 years. After this, you can renew it by paying the same amount again.
Online Apply for Fertilizer Seed & Pesticides License:
You can apply online for Fertilizer Seed & Pesticides License by visiting the nearest Common Service Center.
Or you can also apply online by visiting any Lokvani center.
If you don’t want to apply online, you can go directly to the Agriculture Department office and submit your documents and fee.
Also Read:
Apply for Pan Card Online
Apply for Passport Online in India
Question: In how many days will get the license?
Ans: Now you get the license of fertilizers seeds and pesticides in just 28 to 30 days.
Question: Are we need to pay the license fee for renewal?
Ans: Yes, on every renewal need to pay the license fee.
Question: From where to get the Principal certificate?
Ans: You can get the principal certificate, from your product supplier or by franchisee company.
where i will get the link to apply for pesticide and fertilizer licence online???
For online apply, you need to visit nearest CSC center.