Check NAREGA Payment List 2022: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act i.e. MGNREGA scheme is applicable all over India. Narega Job card holders get 100 days guaranteed employment in a financial year.
The money for the work done under MNREGA is directly deposited in the bank account. But most of the job card holders do not know that we can check online NAREGA payment list sitting at home.
The Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has created an official web portal for information and services related to the MNREGA scheme.
Check your NREGA /MGNERGA account balance online here.
On this web portal, you can see the list of job card holders, extract your job card number, along with this you can see the payment list of MNREGA. Let us tell you a step by step simple way to see the payment list.
How to check NAREGA Payment List 2002 ?
1) In your computer browser, type in google search, now open the official web portal of Ministry of Rural Development.
For your convenience, the direct link of this website is given here This will allow you to go directly to the website.
2) As the web portal will open, on the screen you will see the name of all the states of India.

In this you have to select the name of your state.
3) After choosing the state name, the list of all the districts under that state will appear at the left side menu. Here also you have to select the name of your district.
Then choose your block name falling under that district will shows.
4) After selecting the block, all the Gram Panchayats falling under that block will be opened. In this you have to select the name of your Gram Panchayat.
5) After this, different options will be available to check MNREGA report.
We have to see the NREGA payment list, so here we have to select the “Consoliodate Report of Payment to Worker option” in the box with R3 Work.

6) You can also check the information about how much and when the payment of MNREGA has come.
For this, select the name of the task in front of your name.

Then on the screen you can see the job card holder’s name, muster roll number, daily wages, total attendance, information about the total amount deposited and the details of when it has been deposited in the account.
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In this way residents of all other states can also check NAREGA payment list online very easily.