Post Highlights
TAFCOP Dgtelecom is started by the Indian Department of Telecommunications (DoT). TAF stands for “Telecom Analytics for Fraud management and Consumer Protection”. The main objective of TAFCOP is to ensure that all telecom equipment is safe for use in the Indian telecom network, in line with national and international standards.

TAFCOP portal, tests and verifies telecommunication equipment such as mobile phones, wireless devices, telecom cables and other telecom equipment on the basis of some standards. In India, these rules are set by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC)
In addition, the TAFCOP also plays an important role in enforcing Indian government regulations related to telecommunication equipment. Overall, the TAF COP Portal plays a vital role in ensuring the security and reliability of telecom equipment used in India and promoting the growth of the Indian telecom industry.
Services Offered by TAFCOP DGTelecom Portal
The following are the services offered by the TAFCOP Dgtelecom portal:
SIM Allocation: This service allows users to specify the number of SIM cards issued in their name and report any unauthorised SIM cards.
IMEI Verification: This service allows users to verify their mobile phones authenticity by checking their International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number.
Aadhaar Authentication: Users can authenticate and even update the Aadhaar details linked to their SIM cards.
Mobile Number Portability (MNP): By this the user can port his mobile number from one service provider to another without changing his mobile number.
Bulk Verification: This service allows organizations to verify the authenticity of multiple mobile numbers in bulk.
Complaints: With the help of this, users can complaint against telecom service providers for call drop, poor network connectivity and billing dispute etc.
Overall, the TAFCOP portal provides a one-stop solution for consumers to protect their interests and for the government to regulate the telecom industry in India.
TAFCOP Portal: Check Active SIM Cards Issued On Your Name
Follow these steps to see how many active SIM cards have been issued in your name:
Visit the TAFCOP DGTELECOM website with the help of a browser on your phone or computer.
Enter your mobile number and click on “Generate OTP” button. You will receive One-Time Password (OTP) on your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP in the space provided and click on the “Verify OTP” button.
Once logged in, click on the “SIM Allocation” tab.
Now you will see a list of all the SIM cards that have been issued through your Aadhaar card.
If you find that there are some SIM cards that you have not authorized, immediately contact your service provider and get those SIM card blocked.
Track your lost or stolen Mobile Phone by IMEI Number.
Update Aadhaar in TAFCOP Portal
Follow these steps to update your Aadhaar card details on the TAFCOP portal:
1) Visit TAFCOP Portal
2) Complete the OTP verification by entering your mobile number here. Once logged in, click on the “Aadhaar Authentication” tab.
3) Enter your Aadhaar number and click on “Send OTP” button.
4) Now you will receive an OTP on the registered mobile number linked with your Aadhaar. Enter the OTP in the space provided and click on the “Verify OTP” button.
5) After Aadhaar successfully authenticated, now you can update your Aadhaar details by clicking on the “Update Aadhaar” button.
6) If you want to change your aadhaar card information such as name, address, date of birth, etc. then edit this information here. For this you need to upload a scanned copy of the supporting document that you are using to update your Aadhaar details.
7) Review provided details and make sure that they are correct. Click on the “Submit” button to complete the update process.
Once your request is processed and verified by the concerned authorities, your updated Aadhaar details will appear in the TAFCOP portal.
TOFCOP Customer Support
The TAFCOP portal has customer support service to assist users in case of any issues or queries related to the services offered by the portal.
Users can contact the TAFCOP customer support through the following methods:
Email: Users can send an email to [email protected] to raise their concerns or seek help related to the TAFCOP services.
Helpline Number: The TAFCOP portal has a helpline number that users can call for assistance. The helpline number is 1800-419-0077.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism: TAFCOP also has a grievance redressal mechanism in place, where users can raise their grievances regarding the services offered by the portal. Users can file a complaint by visiting the TAFCOP website and clicking on the “Grievance” tab.