Assam BPL House List 2022: As you know Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana Gramin working for providing assistance to houseless BPL families of all states. Govt. of India has been generated ranked wise priority list of eligible BPL families unser SC/ST and other categories act.
In this tutorial, we have explained the complete process to check Assam BPL House List 2022 of each district and area. If you want to check your name in PM Awas Yojana Gramin List, then read the following information carefully. So let’s get started.
Steps to Check Assam BPL House List
The online feature to check BPL house list under Assam PM Awas Yojana Gramin yojana is available on the official web portal of Ministry of Rural Development. To check the name in the list, follow the steps given below.
1) To check BPL List, visit the official web portal of the Ministry of Rural Development. Click this direct link –
2) On report section page, check for “Social Audit Report” section and click on ‘Beneficiary details for verification’ link.

3) This will open Rural Housing Report page. Here on left side of page, selection filters option showing.
Here you need to choose Assam state in drom down list.
4) After this, it will ask you to choose your District, then block name, village name etc. area.

5) At lst choose the corresponding year option like 2021-2022 and then pick ‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin’ from last drop down option.
6) Fill the captcha answer and submit the form. This will show you all BPL families list of ASSAM state as per choosen area.
Also Read:
Check PM Awas Yojana Payment in PFMS
Apply Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin
FAQs of Assam PM Awas Yojana Gramin
What to do if name has not shown in New rural housing list?
Right now all the beneficaries are added on the basis of SECC-2011 survey. If your name is not in current SECC list and you have to have to wait until next survey.
How to check for Assam Rural Housing money has been released or not?
On the official portal of the Ministry of Rural Development, you can find the housing list as well as the grant amount report. For this, select the ‘High level physical progress report’ option on the report section.
Where to contact regarding rural housing problems?
If you have any problem related to the Apply Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, then contact the Gaon Panchayat Secretary or Block Development Officer or Project Director, DRDA. You can also write to Joint Director & State Nodal Officer (PMAY-G),Office of Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Develoment Department, Assam.