In this post, we are going to explain the online process to change name in PAN card as Aadhaar card. Via this method you can change your name, address, date of birth in your PAN card as per your aadhaar card without sending any documents, this is a completely paperless process.
Note: To do paperless PAN card updation, you must have Aadhaar card registered with your mobile number. Otherwise you can not update PAN card online with paperless facility.
How to Change Name in PAN Card as per Aadhaar
Let’s check out online process to update PAN card information.
Step 1: To change name in PAN card as per aadhaar, first search ‘nsdl’ on your web browser, then click on NSDL Online PAN applicants link as shown in the below image.

Step 2: Now, the online PAN application form page will be shown on your screen. Choose application type -> ‘Change or correction in existing PAN card’ and in category choose ‘Individual’ option.
Fill Applicant information as per your Aadhaar card, which you want to print on updated PAN card.

Note: Enter your mobile number which is linked with your Aadhaar card only, this will be required later to do KYC process.
Step 3: After filling full form submit this form, Now you will get registered token number.

Click on ‘Continue with PAN Application form‘ button.
Step 4: Now, you can see the three options showing to submit PAN application documents. As we told you if your Aadhaar is linked with the registered mobile number then you can change name in pan card as per aadhaar through e-KYC & e-sign (Paperless) method.
Choose ‘Submit digitally through e-KYC & e-Sign (Paperless)’ option. Enter your last 4 digit of aadhaar card number.

Check all personal details option, which you need to get change in updated PAN card.
You can change your address in pan card, just checked that option.
Please fill all information very carefully, don’t do any spelling mistakes.
Step 5: In next step, choose identify proof document, proof of PAN card option as shown in image.

Enter applicant name in decraration section, and fill other required details. If all details are correct then click to the ‘Proceed’ button. Other wise you can edit the form details.
Step 6: Now you have to pay fee to update your pan card. You can pay via Demand draft, via PAYTM or online payment through the bill desk.

Step 7: After getting success transaction message, click to ‘Continue’ button. Authenticate your aadhaar card number and click to ‘Continue with e-KYC’ button.
Step 8: In your Aadhaar registered mobile number/email an OTP was sent. Enter that OTP number here and click to submit.
Step 9: Now click on ‘Continue with eSign’ option. Now do KYC as per adhaar card number, again an OTP will sent on your phone, verify that OTP here.

Step 10: After that, you got a message screen, which confirms if applied using eSign/eKYC then there is no used to forward physical documents.

You can download your application form via click on Download PDF button. This will show all your updated information which will get print on new PAN card.
This PDF is password protected, you can view it via your Date of birth.
You will get an acknowledgement number on your email Id. Via this you can track the status of your application.
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By following above steps you can change name in PAN card as per aadhaar without sending any documents. Your updated PAN card will be dispatched by Post.