If you want to check the name of your elderly parents in the UP Vridha Pension List 2022. Or want to know how many people are getting the benefit of pension scheme in your gram panchayat.
So today we are going to tell you here. That’s how you can see online UP Vriddha Pension Yojana List 2022 (Old Age Pension Scheme) from your mobile or computer.
The State Government of Uttar Pradesh is conducting the Old Age Pension Scheme for the helpless poor citizens of the state. The main objective of conducting this scheme is to help the old citizens of the state financially.
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Uttar Pradesh Old Age (Vridha) Pension Amount Details:
In the Old Age Pension Scheme 2022 by the UP State Government, a fixed amount of Rs 1200 per quarter is provided to eligible citizens.
Once the application is accepted, this amount is sent directly to the bank account of the eligible citizens every quarter
Check UP Vridha Pension Yojana List 2022 Online
1) First of all, you have to open any browser on your mobile PC or laptop. And search by entering Up Vridha Pension Scheme in the search box.
This is the official website link: https://sspy-up.gov.in/EnglishPages/index_en.aspx
To check beneficiary name in UP old age pension list, click on the menu option ‘Old Age Pension’. Now you will see the Pensioners list name year-wise. Choose it here.

Apart from this, you can also go directly to this website by clicking here: https://sspy-up.gov.in/EnglishPages/oldage_en.aspx
2) Now the list of all the districts coming under Uttar Pradesh will open in front of you.
Here you have to select the name of your district. Like we have selected Agra as an example.

3) In the next step, you will see the names of all the Area blocks names falling under the selected district.
Here you will see separate lists of Rural and Urban areas.
Out of these, you have to select the name of your block. and click on it.
4) After clicking on the name of your block, the names of all the Gram Panchayats falling under that block will appear in front of you.
Out of these, you have to select the name of your Gram Panchayat.
5) Now, all the pensioner’s lists and total amounts will be shown in front of you who are getting benefits under your Gram Panchayat.
You have to click on the total number of pensioners.
6) As you click on the total number of pensioners. All the people who are getting benefits under the UP Old Age Pension Scheme List in front of you in your Gram Panchayat.
Their complete list will come open. Under this list, you can check the name of yourself or your relatives and get their complete details.
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