Post Highlights
Haryana Viklang Pension List: Haryana disability pension scheme was started in Haryana in the year 1981 – 1982. According to this scheme, only the disabled person of the state who is more than 18 years and minimum 60% disability can take benefit of it.
So that he does not feel financially burdened with disability on his family’s people. This disability pension is distributed by the Government of Haryana to all those persons with disabilities.
Earlier Haryana viklang pension yojana was discontinued due to some reason but now the government has revived it. You can apply online for Haryana disability (viklang) pension to take advantage of this scheme under it.
Haryana Disability Pension Allowance: 2250 per month (w.e.f. 01-01-2020)
If you already applied for a disability pension scheme then we bring a piece of information to check Haryana Viklang Pension List details. You can check beneficiary details online.
We also explained about how to apply for Haryana viklang pension yojana, check that part too.
Steps to Check Haryana Viklang Pension List Online
1) Open Social Justice & Empowerment department website in your web browser. Now click on ‘Pension Portal’ under the menu section.

2) A new window will open, Here you need to click on the ‘View List of Beneficiaries’ hyperlink option as shown below image. You can directly access this webpage via this link.

3) After this, ‘Block/Municipality Wise Beneficiaries List’ search form page will open.
Here you need to choose your District, Area, Municipality, Ward/Sector and choose Pension type as ‘Disability Pension’.
You can sort the list via Beneficiary ID or Name or Account no.

4) After choosing all the information, click on ‘View Beneficiary List’ button.

This will shows you Haryana viklang pension list in details on screen, You can check your name in showing list.
Also Read:
Check Haryana Old Age Pension Beneficiary list
Add Member Ration Card Online
Haryana Old Age Pension Registration
How to apply for Haryana Disability Pension Scheme
To apply under Haryana Disability Pension Scheme, you must first download the Haryana Pension Scheme Application Form. Click here to download online OR Use this link:
If the above-mentioned download links not working for you, then you can follow the below steps to download disability pension application form.
1) Visit this link and choose ‘Pension Portal’ from menu section.
Now a new web page will open, here click on ‘Application Forms’ hyperlink option.
2) This will take you all Haryana Scheme Application forms page. Search for Disability Pension form and download it.
3) After filling in all the information given in the application form, get the signatures of the ward member/sarpanch or gazetted officer of your block.
4) Now, take a photocopy of required documents and this Haryana Disability Pension application, visit your nearest CSC center or Atal Seva Kendra, and apply online via Haryana Parivar Pehchan Patra Portal.
Documents required for Haryana Viklang Pension Yojana are Ration card, Income certificate, Domicile certificate, Haryana Family ID document, Bank passbook, Aadhar card, Passport size photo, and Disability certificate.
5) After applying the form, submit the application form to the social welfare department of the nearest block or district. That’s it.
Track Beneficiary Pension Details Online
You can track disability pension beneficiary details online.
Click on this link, here you can track all pension details via Pension ID or Account No or Aadhaar no.

Enter your pension beneficiary ID number in input box and submit it.
All details belongs to entered ID number will be displayed on screen.