This post will help you to check your name in voter list in Haryana state. Each state has own CEO web portal regarding election and voter list data. On these portals, you can get any kind of information like election result, download voter list, find your BLO etc.
We are going to show simple steps to find your name in voter list 2022 by providing your voter Id card number or with some basic personal details.
Check Your Name in Haryana Voter List:
Let’s check it the process to search name in Haryana voter list.
Step 1: First open Haryana state Cheif Electroral Officier web portal via this link :
Step 2: On home page, left side menu, click on ‘Voter Corner’ option. Then click on ‘Check your name in Voter List’ option link as shown in below screenshot.

Step 3: A new form page will be display on screen. Here you can search your name in voter list by providing personal details Or by Voter ID number.

Step 4: If you don’t have voter ID card or you have applied for new voter id card, then you can find your details by choosing your district name, constituency name.
Enter your name and relation name like your Father or Husband name, your age and choose gender.
Then hit the search button, this will show your current vote details.

In search result, you can get all details of your voter card. Here you can check more details by clicking ‘View Details’ link option.
Also Read:
Download Digital Voter ID Card
Voter ID Card Correction Online
Its very easy to track down your voter details online. Each state has own CEO web portal, if you belongs to other state then Haryana, just search for your state electroral portal in google search engine and find your voter detail online.